I like green. A lot. Which is as good thing, because there's a whole lot of green in my future. Rambling Rose is off the needles! At least initially. There's still the neckband and the buttonbands. And the buttons. Crap. Meant to take a picture of the buttons. Next time. Well, Rambling Rose in this case is more of a rambling.... leaf. Which since the lace panels are a leaf motif, I think is more appropriate. The pattern is by Laura Zukaite from Interweave Winter 2006 (Arwen is too. Sorry for the typo). A lot of people on the blogsphere were seriously bashing this sweater. Mostly they were complaining because it only comes in two sizes - 30" and 43". "My chest isn't 30" but it's certainly not 43"" one person was bitching. Frankly, I don't care because my chest is 43". Well, 42 technically. What I didn't like was the color scheme. Red and pink are not my colors. Hence, green and green.
I have one sleeve seamed and the ends tied in. Let's face facts, tying in all those ends is going to be a big project. And knitting up that edging was no fun either. Knitting with 15 balls of yarn only results in a gigantic mess. I've seen this sweater knit without the two colors, but I really think that a large part of the charm of this sweater is in the color changes. The picture below is also a fairly accurate representation of the colors, too.
And here's a close up the the center back lace panel. Pretty, no?
More work to come tonight, and I'm hoping to get it finished during the Oscars tomorrow. And then blocking. Because it really needs it.
And look what I got in the mail today:
11 balls of Classic Elite Wool Bam Boo to make this:
Butterfly from KnitScene Spring 2007. I'm making it for my adventure in Chicago, and then for Easter. I just love the drape of the fabric, and it's a cut that should flatter me. But not being a bustless Asian model, I'm going to need to find an appropriate cami to wear underneath... Suggestions?
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