Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Look out Chicago!

I'm leaving for Chicago at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow, and I'm so excited. A little CSO, a little shopping, a little museum-going, and a whole lot of spoiling myself. Here's a preview of my plans for the train ride:

That's mom's Trellis, Knit Picks Shine Sport for the ballet camisole, my iPod (on which I have 2 new CDs and 2 new audiobooks), and Meg Cabot's Size 14 is not Fat Either. I have been very good about this book. I bought it last week, and I've been saving it. It has not been easy. Add the fact that it's a sequel (to Size 12 is not Fat) to the fact that I love Meg Cabot and have since before the Princess Diaries was a movie, and you have one very, very good girl. Well all that goodness is about to be rewarded.

I think I'll make Meg Cabot an honorary Double G Knitster. Not only is she awesome, but our names both have 2 G's in them! Which just ups her coolness quotient.

All I have to say about the next pic is "addictive."

Ms. Marigold has been incredibly addictive for the past week. It's flying off my needles and I'm not even trying that hard! Plus I love the yarn. I love the color, I love the feel of it in my fingers, and I hope I'll love the feel of it when I wear it. I'm slightly concerned about size, but I think that once I finish up the ribbing at the neck and arms (I've elected against the ruffle. I have rather manly shoulders to begin with, so adding a ruffle on top is like icing a 2x4) and block it, it won't look so small. Once I get an idea of how the yarn will wear, I'd really like to knit something else out of it. A cardi, perhaps?

Adding greatly to the speediness of this project were two excellent movies - Proof and Casino Royale. Go rent them now.

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